Paulo Rafael

Birthday: December, 20th.
Birthplace: Belém, Brazil.
Current City: Belém, Brazil.
Marital Status: Singles.
Interests: Playing video-games (specially of the Final Fantasy, Silent Hill and Resident Evil series), watching soccer matches, reading, hanging out, listening to the music, working with education and journalism, writing poems, short stories.
Belief: Agnosticism.
Occupation: Portuguese and English teacher, and cultural journalist.
Dreams: Teaching in a big college with a research project with focus in formation of readers using literary texts; travelling around the world to know many cultures and habits from other countries; having a carreer like writer and cultural jouranalist; acting as a volunteer and helping poor people to achieve a spot in the college.
Plans: Finishing the second graduation in teaching of languages, in this case English as a foreing language; doing a master degree in Philosophy, and studying hard all the time to improve my knowledge always.
Favorite Band: Sonic Youth. (
Favorite Movie: Before Sunrise by Richard Linklater. (
Favorite Video: In this moment, it's this pretty-awesome song: A Revolta dos Dândis by Engenheiros do Hawai:
Favorite Book: The absolutetelly fabulous "O Livro de Manuel" by Julio Cortázar. (
Quotation: "O homem é condenado a ser livre". -Jean-Paul Sartre.
