Letra R

Renan Diniz

Birthdate: July 11th, 1994.
Birthplace / Current City: Belém, Brazil.
Marital Status: Single.
Interests:  Playing videogames, reading, writing movie scripts, watching my favorite kinds of movies, listening some music, etc.
Professional Interests: Education, Translation and another things that are linked with English and/or Advertisement.
Occupation: Undergraduated student of Teaching English as Foreign Language at UFPA, undergraduated student of Advertisement at Unama, independent movie director and editor.
Plans: Graduating as an adman, graduating as an English teacher, go to another country as an interchange student, meet my favorite actors, directors and writers, show my future projects in festivals and be famous.


- Music style: 
Indie, Electronic, Experimental, Synthpop, Darkwave, Witch House, Chillwave and Alternative.
- Movie:  VHS, ABCs of Death, REC, Tesis, Noroi, Blair Witch Project, Alien Abduction: Incident in Lake County, The Tunnel, El Sanatorio, Cloud Atlas, Dancer in the Dark, Psycho, The Postman Always Rings Twice (1946), Trance and more.
- Books: Psycho, Catch-22, the series of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, all the Sherlock Holmes books, Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe and Hannibal Trilogy.
- TV Show: Doctor Who, Dexter, Bates Motel, Hannibal, Star Trek TOS, Sherlock, Game of Thrones, Orphan Black, Sherlock, The Killing, The Following, Under The Dome, Falling Skies and Charmed
- Quotes:  "Allons-y", "42", "Aconteça o que acontecer nunca pare de filmar."


- Twitter: @renandiniz
- E-mail: renandiniz7@gmail.com renandiniz5
- Skype: renandiniz5

Rayanne Rodrigues

Birthdate: December 28th, 1991.
Birthplace / Current City: Belém, Pará, Brazil.
Status: Single.
Interests: Playing video-games, watching animes, listening to music, watching TV programs, watching doramas and writing short stories.
Professional Interests: Translation and teaching.
Occupation: Student, web-translator and fanfiction writer.
Plans: Graduate, specialize in translation and teach English at an Asian country.
- Music style: K-Pop and Gothic Metal.
- Movie: Underworld Saga.
- Book: Drácula, The Night Vampire by Bram Stocker.
- TV Show: Weekly Idol, Sesame Player, Hello Baby, Idol League and MTV Diary.
- Quotes: "Always keep the faith." - Dong Bang Shin Ki
"Don't be sad and don't give up on your dreams. Dreams will come true one day. There's no person as beautiful as the person who dreams." - Kim Himchan
“Even if you don't understand the language, you can still love the music.” - Lee Chaerin

Ramiro Abreu

Birthplace: Recife, Brazil.
Current City: Belém, Brazilian Amazon.
Interests: Playing music, reading, playing videogames, translating.
Professional Interests: Academic research on languages. language teaching, translation.
- Music: Grindcore, Sludge, Doom, Post-Rock, Dream Pop, and everything in between.
- Cinema: Spike Jonze, Michel Gondry, Danny Boyle, Steven Sodebergh.
- Literature: Kurt Vonnegut, Douglas Adams, Neil Gaiman, Chuck Palahniuk.
- Internet: Collective CadenzaSimon's CatEpic Meal TimeXkcdJezebelOEsquema,

Rinaldo Mescouto

Birthdate: Fabruary 23th, 1994.
Birthplace: Belém do Pará, in the Brazilian Amazon.
Current City: Santa Bárbara do Pará, in the Brazilian Amazon.
Status: Single.
Interests: Watching movies, listening to music, watching TV programs and series, reading good books, dancing.
Occupation:  I'm Undergraduated student of Teaching English as Foreign Language at UFPA.
Professional Interests: Teaching languages, Translation, College Professor.
Plans: Participate in interchanges, Gain master's or doctoral degrees.

- Music style: Pop, Pop Rock, Rock, MPB, Soft Music, Love Music.
- Song: You Give Love a Bad Name (Bon Jovi)

- Movie: All the movies of Harry Potter.

- Book: The chronicles of Narnia  ( C. S. Lewis ); Senhora (José de Alencar); The Best Laid Plans (Sidney Sheldon).
