Letra M

Marcia Liliani

Birthdate: April 10th, 1993. 
 Belém, Brazil. 
Marital Status:
 Reading, singing, playing computer games, cooking, watching movies. 
Professional interests:
 Education, translation. 
 Graduate as an EFL teacher, and be an exchange student. 
Live abroad with my family and assist the preaching work of Jehovah Witnesses in another country.
Occupation: Full time student.

Matheus Alencar

Birthdate: July 26th, 1995.
Birthplace / Current City: Belém, Brazil.
Marital Status: Single.
Interests: Singing, reading, playing the keyboard, writing, talking, watching good movies, being with my family and friends, etc.
Professional Interests: Education, Translation.
Undergraduated student of Teaching English as Foreign Language at UFPA, monitor at ASLAN, Musician at Primeira Igreja Batista em Icoaraci (PIBI).
Plans: Graduating as a Teacher of English as a Foreign Language, going to the USA as an exchange student. Teaching Portuguese to foreign people. Learning more languages. travelling abroad. Enjoy all the opportunities! Be Happy!
- Music style: Gospel (All the styles inside of it)
- Band / Singer: Diante do Trono, Dennis Jernigan, Gateway Worship, Jesus Culture.
- Movie: The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and The Wardrobe;
- Books: The Bible; The Chronicles of Narnia; Extravagant Worship; anything by C.S. Lewis and Lucio Barreto Jr.
- TV Show: How I Met Your Mother. (This is the funniest!)
- Quotation: I have many, but for this moment I'll choose this one: "'For in Him we live and move and have our being.' As some of your own poets have said, 'We are His offspring.'" (Acts 17:28)
- Contact: matthewhs12@hotmail.com
Facebook: /matheus.alencar12
